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I migliori microfoni per videocamera DSLR:le 10 migliori recensioni e guida all'acquisto

La maggior parte delle persone avrà familiarità con le fotocamere DSLR. Sono stati uno standard del settore per molti anni, ma forse alcuni non hanno molta familiarità con la versione Video. Hanno ribaltato le riprese video quando sono diventate una minaccia e poi, agli occhi di alcuni, hanno superato ciò che è possibile con una videocamera.

La registrazione video completa in alta definizione a 720p o 1080p lascia una videocamera molto indietro in termini di qualità.

Che tu stia girando un video blog, qualcosa per Youtube o magari sia ancora più avventuroso, se stai producendo immagini di grande qualità, c'è qualcos'altro di cui avrai bisogno:un'ottima qualità audio.

Ciò significa un microfono o un dispositivo di registrazione audio di ottima qualità. La maggior parte di questi microfoni saranno quelli che chiamano "microfoni Shotgun". Sono unidirezionali e per ottenere i migliori risultati devono essere puntati verso la sorgente sonora.

Non devono essere confusi con i "microfoni boom", dove boom è solo il nome dato all'asta del microfono.

Quindi, diamo un'occhiata ai migliori microfoni per videocamere DSLR...

I 10 migliori microfoni per videocamere DSLR 2022 Recensioni

  1. Microfono direzionale compatto Rode VideoMicPro sulla fotocamera
  2. Microfono a condensatore montato su fotocamera Shure VP83F LensHopper
  3. Microfono direzionale Canon DM-E1
  4. Microfono video supercardioide con registratore VMIC Saramoni
  5. Microfono Audio-Technica dinamico AT8004
  6. Microfono per fucile Sennheiser MKE 400
  7. Microfono Tascam TM-2X Stereo X-Y per fotocamere DSLR
  8. Microfono palmare omnidirezionale Shure VP64A
  9. Capsula microfono zoom SSH-6 stereo per fucile
  10. Microfono a condensatore stereo Azden ad alte prestazioni (SMX-10)

1 Rode VideoMicPro Microfono direzionale compatto sulla fotocamera

Rode sa una cosa o due sulla produzione di ottimi microfoni; vediamo cosa hanno con il VideoMicPro.

Il VideoMicPro è un microfono progettato per l'uso con fotocamere DSLR. Funzionerà anche con videocamere. Dotato di un microfono a condensatore a capsula che offre risultati eccellenti con bassi rapporti di auto-rumore. E produrrà audio di qualità broadcast. Si collega alla fotocamera tramite un jack da 3,5 mm.

Nessun rumore di fondo...

Il suo design super-cardioide significa che qualsiasi rumore circostante è ridotto al minimo e il microfono si concentra sulla ricezione del suono dal soggetto. Qualsiasi potenziale rumore o rimbombo viene ridotto dal supporto antiurto integrato per garantire che i risultati siano il più puliti possibile.

È costruito per essere compatto e leggero per renderlo facile e comodo da usare ed è alimentato da una batteria da 9 V che dovrebbe fornirti circa 70 ore di utilizzo.

Per ridurre i rumori esterni nelle vicinanze, è dotato di un parabrezza integrato in schiuma.

E le specifiche?

Le funzionalità di registrazione includono un filtro passa alto a due livelli e un controllo del livello a tre posizioni. Questi si trovano sul retro del microfono per un facile controllo durante l'uso.

Le impostazioni del livello aumenteranno i livelli come richiesto. L'attenuazione di -10dB per suoni forti come la batteria e l'aumento di +20dB progettato esclusivamente per le fotocamere DSLR. Ciò ti consente di ridurre il livello di ingresso, che in effetti riduce anche i suoni indesiderati circostanti.

È un microfono decente che produce un audio di buona qualità. Funzionerà meglio quando sei vicino alla fonte rispetto a quando lavori a distanza quando potrebbe faticare un po'.

Pro Contro

2 Shure VP83F LensHopper microfono a condensatore montato su fotocamera

Shure sa un paio di cose sulla produzione di microfoni di qualità. Penso che ne siamo tutti ben consapevoli, quindi non sono esattamente sicuro del motivo per cui ho fatto questa dichiarazione. Forse, nel caso, qualcuno sia arrivato dall'esterno della Galassia.

Il VP83F Lenshopper è un microfono a fucile dotato di un condensatore montato sulla fotocamera che fornirà registrazioni audio di qualità. È progettato specificamente per funzionare con le fotocamere DSLR, ma funzionerà anche con le videocamere.

Nessun rumore indesiderato...

Il suo disegno polare è altamente direzionale e ridurrà la quantità di rumore indesiderato. Mentre l'audio viene registrato su schede MicroSDHC che supportano fino a 32 GB. Questi sono file WAV a 24 bit/48 kHz.

E per garantire che eventuali vibrazioni o rumori operativi della fotocamera siano ridotti al minimo, viene utilizzato un sistema di shock Rycote Lyre.

Affronta i problemi di registrazione del target in una varietà di ambienti diversi avendo un range di guadagno di 60 dB e anche un filtro low cut. Il guadagno è regolabile con impostazioni di 1dB per darti il ​​controllo assoluto.

Costruito per durare…

Con caratteristiche di design tipiche che rendono i loro prodotti costruiti per durare, il VP83F ha una struttura in metallo ma è comunque leggero. L'ingresso audio avviene tramite un cavo staccabile da 3,5 mm ed è presente un'uscita per cuffie stereo per il monitoraggio dell'audio.

Il vento e altri rumori esterni sono ridotti da un parabrezza in schiuma. Ma in condizioni di vento, potrebbe aver bisogno di una cuffia antivento, ma la maggior parte lo farà.

Chiaro e facile da usare...

Una grande caratteristica di questa fotocamera è lo schermo LCD retroilluminato per il menu delle operazioni, che è chiaro, completo e rende l'unità facile da usare. Questa facilità d'uso è facilitata dall'operazione di registrazione con un solo pulsante.

Due batterie alcaline AA garantiscono circa dieci ore di durata della registrazione.

Non sarà il più economico che troverai, ma stai acquistando il know-how e la qualità Shure.

Pro Contro

3 Microfono direzionale Canon DM-E1

Canon è uno dei leader di mercato nelle fotocamere e nei prodotti associati, ma forse non è così famosa per la riproduzione audio.

Quindi, vediamo cosa hanno da offrire...

Il DM-E1 è un microfono per la tua fotocamera, ma offre alcune opzioni extra. Normalmente queste fotocamere sono fotocamere Shotgun e questa ha un'impostazione dedicata per eseguire il tipo di operazione "puntalo dritto verso il bersaglio", ma va un po' oltre.

Con il DM-E1 hai un maggiore controllo sulla direzione e impostazioni stereo commutabili a 90 gradi e 120 gradi. Queste sono buone idee e aggiungono un'opzione extra alle riprese e al potenziale sonoro.

Copre tutti i gradi...

L'impostazione 90 gradi può essere utilizzata per un singolo bersaglio, ma includerà anche alcuni contenuti periferici che ti permetteranno di includere gruppi nello scatto e nel suono. Il 120 gradi, ovviamente, ti darà un campo più ampio con cui lavorare e potrebbe essere adatto per filmare ciò che sta accadendo su un palco.

È stato progettato per essere utilizzabile con la maggior parte delle fotocamere dotate di una presa da 3,5 mm con una modalità film dedicata. E ha una gamma di risposta in frequenza da 50 Hz a 16 kHz.

Nessuna vibrazione...

Built in is a windscreen that will assist in reducing any unwanted external sounds from wind, and the standard shock mount is is included to reduce any camera vibration or associated noises.

Plus, this best Microphone for DSLR Video Camera doesn’t drain the battery resources of the camera and runs of its own button type lithium cell battery. A battery status light is featured on the camera body.

Pros Contro

4  Saramonic VMIC Recorder Super-Cardioid Video Microphone

The Saramonic VMic is a robust shotgun microphone that is well made and can be described as a premium microphone. That does not mean to say it is poorly made or that it performs badly. Saramonic has produced a mic that is designed to deliver a good quality product at an affordable price.

It is made with a metal construction to withstand the potential rigors of video production and cane work with DSLR’s, video cameras and the best portable audio recorders. It also possesses a stable shock mount system to remove any accidental or unwanted camera noise.

Hear exactly what is being recorded…

A good feature on the VMic is a built-in headphone output. This can be important as some cameras do not have a headphone jack and therefore you could not hear the sound recording as it is happening.

The controls are basic and easy to use. If your camera is a little noisy, the +20dB boost provided will allow you to reduce the volume on the preamp of the camera to let you produce a clean sound. While the -10dB setting allows you to record in loud environments, live groups, or stage shows, for example.

It records to a micro SDHC card at 16-bit, 48kHz.

Get that tone…

Further tonal control settings include a low-cut control that will rid you of unwanted low frequencies and a boost for high frequencies that will clarify the sharpness of the recording. It includes an LCD display which allows you to view and control the settings through a menu system.

It produces a good quality sound. Maybe not the best you will find, and it doesn’t possess some of the features that other more expensive microphones have, but for the cost, it is very good value.

Considering Saramonic have designed and manufactured a premium microphone for your DSLR there are a lot of features built in and with its rugged construction it represents a good buy.

Pros Contro

5  Audio-Technica Dynamic Microphone AT8004

Audio-Technica is well-known for producing quality microphones at cost effective prices.

The first thing that is evident with this mic is that it is built to be used. It has a tough housing with a steel grille that has been hardened to withstand impact.

Real world sounds…

It is a dynamic mic and has a polar pattern, and its omnidirectional range means that some surround sound will be included. This is a negative aspect for some but for others, it is required for the ambiance of the project.

It could also be useful when working with people who may not be used to being interviewed and who turn the heads and body without realizing. When they do, the speech will still be collected by this mic. It also carries a shock mounting system that reduces handling noises.

The voice is reproduced naturally through the transparency of audio reproduction.

Get that exclusive interview…

Clearly, from its design, it is built with certain functions in mind and is likely to be handheld. It is therefore ideal for in the field interviews at sports events or other outside activity.

It probably isn’t the kind of mic you would use to capture wider noise like crowds at sporting events as the primary function, and the individual target probably needs to be within a range of about 3 feet for best results.

Being omnidirectional it will pick up other sounds, but it is still most effective in interview-type mode with the other sounds just adding a little ambiance. The sound is good and clear, and it produces good results.

It uses an XLR connector and therefore will not connect directly to a DSLR, but adapters are available.

For the cash outlay a very good mic for the purpose it was designed for.

Pros Contro

6  Sennheiser MKE 400 Shotgun Microphone

Sennheiser has tried to design a sound solution that will satisfy the run of the mill handheld video camera and also work with larger models. It is, therefore, a solution to producing high-quality audio on consumer products and even to a professional level.

It is made with a metal frame that is obviously designed for being able to handle plenty of activity, but when it’s in the hand, it doesn’t feel that strong. This might be unfair on this mic. It is quite small and very light, and it may be that the lack of weight and substance creates the feeling of a lack of stability.

Sennheiser is not known for building sub-standard equipment, so the size and weight are possibly the reason.

Low cut the wind away…

It has a shock mount system to protect against handling and any vibration noises. It also has a low cut filter switch that will cut out light wind noise, though, if you will be working in high wind environments a muff will be needed as with all mics.

There is a switchable control for sensitivity that allows you to reproduce a quality sound over either long or short distances. While a single AAA alkaline battery will deliver a staggering three hundred hours of use.

Quality at a great price…

It produces good quality audio, is small and easy to use and comes in at not too expensive a price. It isn’t the cheapest, but you will be getting Sennheiser quality.

Made in Germany.

Pros Contro

7  Tascam TM-2X Stereo X-Y Microphone For DSLR Cameras

The TM-2X is a microphone that will record stereo audio to the input on your DSLR camera. And Tascam has made the setup as easy as possible, and it only requires you to connect the chord to the input jack on the camera. And no batteries are required as it takes its power from the camera.

A great feature of this microphone is that it fits directly on to your DSLR, but then it can swivel around up to 180 degrees. This will allow you to rotate the microphone only to capture sounds either to the side or behind what is being filmed. It also has a fitting to be attached to a tripod if required.

And to make sure it will operate with most brands of camera there is an input sensitivity switch.

No windy recordings…

Tascam have taken particular care in their design to try and alleviate the problems of external noise. Cameras are quite often used outside in any number of environments and are subject to the elements.

They have installed a switchable low-cut filter to eradicate unwanted noise from low frequencies, and a fur windscreen will attend to wind and any other unwanted naturally occurring noises.

There is also a noise isolation arm that is designed to prevent noise being picked up from the camera’s lens or other operational activity. This is aided by a floating support structure underneath the mic.

As with all things Tascam, this best Microphones for DSLR Video Camera is made to a high standard.

Pros Contro

8  Shure VP64A Omnidirectional Handheld Microphone

Of course, there would be a Shure. Where there are microphones working you will find a Shure doing its job, usually to a very high standard. The VP64A is designed for audio and video production at a high level. It is a handheld omnidirectional dynamic microphone that has a high output.

Built to deliver high performance…

The cartridge utilizes a neodymium magnet that delivers a higher output and better signal to noise ratio.

It is protected by a rubber isolation mount to reduce any handling noise and to make it tough and sturdy. Tough and rugged mic’s are what Shure do, of course. There will be some handling noise, you cannot avoid that, but it is kept to an absolute minimum and isn’t noticeable with good mic handling.

There is a windscreen supplied to protect against the wind in outside use, and it has a water-resistant mesh cover that allows it to be used in inclement weather.

Quality and clear speech reproduction…

The frequency responses are designed to produce quality and clear speech reproduction. And the positioning of the mic is variable due to omnidirectional polar pattern design, which makes the location less critical.

And because Shure expects this best Microphone for DSLR Video Camera to be used in live situations, they have made it look understated and professional in its appearance.

Great sounding and built to last…

The reproduced sound is excellent as you might expect from Shure and the build quality good and long-lasting.

It is not a shotgun mic and therefore picks up an amount of surround sound but also helps to assist in interviews with inexperienced people who might ‘wander.’

It uses an XLR connector and therefore will not connect directly to a DSLR.

The price tag is not expensive at all.

Pros Contro

9  Zoom SSH-6 Stereo Shotgun Microphone Capsule

Something a little different with the Zoom SSH-6. The company has designed a Shotgun microphone that has a multidirectional range for picking up sound not only from the direct source but also from left and right.

More about that soon…

It has specifically been designed to work with their H5, H6, Q8, and U44 audio recorders. And has all the qualities to record professionally sounding voice reproductions.

Zoom has been very clever with this design. The capsule has a multidirectional mic for picking up sound from the center target as per a Shotgun microphone. It can though utilize its onboard bidirectional mic for collecting sound from either right or left of the target.

What will this do?

It will produce a fully mono-compatible stereo result that can be used in TV projects, film or video. You are therefore able to record the target with the center mic and then build around it the sounds captured by the side mics. The reproduced sound is very crisp and clear, but with very little bottom end.

It is well-built, mostly of metal with just a few plastic connection fittings, so it is built to withstand the rigors of outside recording. And it includes a hairy windscreen to reduce wind and associated environmental noise.

At the price, it is good value with options other mic’s do not enjoy.

One thing to consider is that this mic will only work with certain Zoom devices.

Pros Contro

10  Azden High-performance (SMX-10) Stereo Condenser Microphone

The SMX-10 is a condenser microphone that has been built for use with standard video cameras. It is a directional stereo mic that gives a good stereo placement and sound quality at a price that is not excessive. And it includes a windscreen for cutting out unwanted noise and the mount for camera fitting.

The camera is lightweight and is powered by one AAA alkaline battery which it is claimed will give you up to 400 hours of operation. The battery is not included. It has a coiled cable with a 3.5mm connector.

Records stereo sound very precisely…

Included is the SMH-X shock mount that will eliminate any noise or vibrations from the camera or when mounted on a tripod or boom. It records stereo sound very precisely and automatically rejects any off-axis noise or sounds.

It is not a professional mic by any means, but it does produce very acceptable quality audio. The stereo performance is very good, and the rejection of unwanted sounds impressive. It doesn’t have to be right in the face of the target either and will record quality from a reasonable distance.

Better than outstanding, for the price…

It has to be said though that the quality produced by this mic is very good and when considered with the price is better than outstanding.

The build quality is best described as ok being part metal and part plastic, so maybe a little care is needed in handling.

It’s a good buy if you just want to get great audio for some simple video without spending a fortune.

Pros Contro

Best Microphones For DSLR Video Camera Buyers Guide

Time To Put Some Good Audio With Your Video

We read in some journals about the poor quality of the microphones that are provided with today’s video cameras. It’s all a bit unfair in many ways. It is a ‘video’ recorder, not a ‘video and audio’ recorder. The most important aspect is recording quality video; the sound is an afterthought in most cases. And to be honest, they’ve done well to provide any sound recording facility at all.

But as technology advances and we all become potential Spielberg’s, or think we are, then demands on the equipment we use will get higher. Expectancy levels rise, and the manufacturers are not really geared up, or it seems interested in providing high-quality sound for a basic commodity like a video camera.

I think we can all understand that.

There are some that produce better quality, but these are very expensive pieces of kit, and most people are already using their mid-priced range cameras and just want better audio.

Nothing wrong with that.

We have tried to find what we consider to be the best microphones for DSLR video cameras. There are many options, some specializing in certain areas others just good all-rounders. But you need to ask yourself the question…

What Will I Use It For?

Is it for fun with the family, holidays with sound, days out recording the kids as they grow up?

Maybe its for publication albeit at a lower level. Or possibly you need real quality for work projects that need to be just right?

All of the microphones we looked at impressed us in one way or another; that’s why they made it to our review. But they tended to be designed to fulfill certain functions and work in certain environments.

Some were the Shotgun kind, concentrating the sound from one source; others collected the sound from wider sources. Some were for outside broadcasts, maybe sporting events or similar. While others are more suited for quieter one to one interviews.

Deciding how you will use your best Microphones for DSLR Video Camera is important in making your choice.

No background noise…

Where Will I Use It?

This is vital. Some microphones are rugged and built for the outside. They have onboard equipment and extra facilities provided to cut out wind and environmental noise that you will experience if you are filming outside.

If you intend to use it mostly out of doors, it will need to be well built and have these facilities.

What Does It Look Like?

Sounds a rather irrelevant question for a microphone but if you are using it for a live broadcast or a recording where it is visible on camera, perhaps an interview, then it needs to look professional.

There are a few issues to consider, but amongst the microphones we have reviewed, we think you will find the best microphone for your DSLR video camera.

So, What Are The Best Microphones For DSLR Video Camera?

We would want it simple to connect and operate and obviously produce as good a sound as we can get. Good noise reduction is important but also some versatility because it could be used in a variety of venues. We have therefore decided that the best microphone for a DSLR video camera is the…

Tascam TM-2X Stereo X-Y Microphone For DSLR Cameras

Well-built, easy to set up and use and with a rotation of audio field that will provide interesting sound options.

A quality microphone at a realistic price.

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