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Altoparlanti da parete e altoparlanti da scaffale e altoparlanti da torre

Decidere quali altoparlanti selezionare per il tuo home theater può essere una vera seccatura. C'è una miriade di informazioni là fuori, ma nessuna di esse è specificamente adattata alle tue esigenze. Detto questo, può essere utile fare un confronto fianco a fianco delle tue scelte come altoparlanti da incasso, da scaffale e da torre.

Sebbene i diffusori da incasso abbiano un aspetto più elegante e abbiano un costo inferiore, rimangono fissi una volta installati. Gli altoparlanti da scaffale sono un'opzione più piccola e mobile, ma non hanno la stessa potenza degli altoparlanti a torre. I diffusori a torre offrono i bassi migliori, ma sono grandi e ingombranti.

Gli altoparlanti da incasso, da scaffale e da torre hanno ciascuno i propri vantaggi unici. Tuttavia, la scelta del tipo di altoparlante più adatto a te dipenderà in definitiva dal tuo budget, dal design della stanza dell'home theater e dalle tue preferenze personali.

Diamo un'occhiata a un confronto tra diffusori da incasso, diffusori da scaffale e diffusori da torre per vedere quale potrebbe essere la scelta giusta per il tuo home theater.

Leggi anche:Tower Speakers vs. Soundbar per Home Theater

Come si confrontano gli altoparlanti da parete con gli altoparlanti da scaffale e gli altoparlanti da torre?

In verità, puoi passare anni a dedicare del tempo alla ricerca dei dettagli di vari tipi di apparecchiature audio, tanto meno testare ogni dispositivo nel tuo home theater.

Decidere quale tipo di altoparlante funzionerà meglio per te può sembrare scoraggiante, ma ci sono diverse aree da considerare che possono aiutarti a indirizzarti nella giusta direzione.

Per confrontare i diffusori da incasso, da scaffale e da torre, considera le seguenti categorie:


Le dimensioni saranno uno dei fattori più evidenti quando si tratta di confrontare diversi tipi di altoparlanti per l'home theater.

Soprattutto per chi è nuovo nel mondo dell'audio, le dimensioni sono ciò che i neofiti noteranno immediatamente e per una buona ragione. Il confronto delle dimensioni tra altoparlanti da parete, altoparlanti da scaffale e altoparlanti da torre è piuttosto vasto.

Gli altoparlanti da incasso saranno una delle opzioni più compatte ed eleganti delle tre. Dal momento che sono posizionati all'interno del muro, potresti avere difficoltà a trovarli anche nel tuo home theater. Rimarranno nascosti piuttosto che essere qualcosa di evidente quando entri nella stanza dell'home theater.

Questo ha i suoi vantaggi e svantaggi, però. Sebbene gli altoparlanti da parete siano più compatti, probabilmente finirai per spendere di più in altoparlanti da parete di alta qualità che possono funzionare con una capacità fisica così ridotta. Tuttavia, almeno non creano uno spazio ingombrante o occupano spazio prezioso nel tuo home theater.

In alternativa, gli altoparlanti da scaffale sono un'altra opzione compatta quando si tratta di sale home theater di piccole o medie dimensioni. Possono essere posizionati su uno scaffale letterale, oppure possono essere posizionati su un altro tipo di scaffale o una configurazione creativa.

Gli altoparlanti da scaffale possono variare di dimensioni, ma poiché sono progettati per essere posizionati su uno scaffale, non saranno eccessivamente ingombranti da guardare.

Tuttavia, non si ripiegano nella parete stessa come gli altoparlanti da incasso, ma le loro dimensioni ridotte sono apprezzate per coloro che desiderano un'opzione più elegante e meno visibile per il tuo home theater.

Gli altoparlanti da scaffale non sono ostacolati dalle loro piccole dimensioni in termini di capacità, ma potrebbero essere limitati nei toni bassi che possono fornire poiché molti non hanno un woofer per i segnali audio a bassa frequenza.

Finally, tower speakers are going to be one of the largest options that you can find in the audio world. They boast multiple drivers and typically include a woofer for low-frequency audio signals.

Their size can be intimidating to some (especially those with smaller home theaters), but enticing for those who want to see their sound equipment bring a truly transformative experience into their home theater.

The larger size of a tower speaker can leave you confident that the sound streaming from the multiple channels of audio sent to its drivers will be able to fill a home theater room- no matter how large the room is.

So, if you are working with a larger space and are not concerned about room on the floor, tower speakers can be a great option for you.


Along with the size of the speaker options comes the natural aesthetic that this will create in your home theater room. While this will reflect your personal preferences, it might not be something that is as big of a deal to some as it will be to others.

However, it is worth mentioning considering the vast amount of time that you might consider spending in this room and the resources you will pour into making it a unique and beautiful space.

In-wall speakers, in that they are sleek and compact, create a more professional appearance. Most often, movie theaters have in-wall speakers located behind an acoustically transparent screen. This removes the visibility of the speakers and allows the viewer to simply look at the screen.

Alternatively, bookshelf speakers are another great option in creating a less robust appearance, although they are not as easily hidden as in-wall speakers. Still, they can be placed in unique locations to keep the focus on the screen while still providing a high-quality audio experience.

Finally, tower speakers are going to be quite visible due to their large size, so if you are not in the market for speakers that will stare you right in the face, you might want to consider another option.

While some people will not appreciate looking at tower speakers, others will appreciate the dedication that including tower speakers in your home theater setup brings to the table.


Cost is obviously going to play a large part in which type of speakers you select for your home theater sound system setup. With budgets not often being endless, it is important to spend your money wisely and invest in high-quality equipment that still meets the needs of your bank account.

With that said, there are a few things to consider with the cost of each of these types of speakers. In-wall speakers are most often the least expensive type of speakers from the start.

However, you need to consider that these have to be installed into the wall, and while this process is not overly complicated, it could require professional installation if you are not comfortable with installing them yourself.

Along with that, you can find inexpensive in-wall speakers, but choosing to invest more in high-quality in-wall speakers that will have comparable sound quality as other types of speakers will mean that you will likely spend more on this type of speaker because of the capacity range that is lower with less expensive in-wall speakers.

Then, looking at bookshelf and tower speakers, you might find that their costs are relatively comparable depending on the model of speaker and manufacturer that you choose to go with. But, the budget does not stop here with these speakers.

You will need to consider the added costs that can come with the need to add a subwoofer like if you go with bookshelf speakers that cannot produce bass.

While tower speakers have a woofer, you might also want to add a sub to this setup to enhance the low-frequency audio signal emission.

So, just be sure to incorporate the total cost of the entire sound system (amps, additional speakers, cables, installation, etc.) before saying yes to the initial price tag of the speaker alone.

Sound Quality

Finally, you need to consider the sound quality that you will be able to achieve with each type of speaker in your unique home theater room.

The dimensions of your room, the natural acoustics, and other variables can transform what you need vs. what you prefer to pay for in terms of sound quality.

While some argue that in-wall speakers cannot provide you with the same sound quality that other types of speakers can, this is not necessarily true. However, you might have to spend more on in-wall speakers than on bookshelf or tower speakers to achieve the same level of sound.

Specifically, $500 might not go as far on in-wall speakers as it would on other options. But, if you are willing to invest in high-quality in-wall speakers, you will likely find that there are some pretty advanced options that can help you to achieve high-quality audio in a small, medium, or large-sized home theater room.

Keep in mind, though, that once in-wall speakers are installed, it is extremely difficult to change the desired location of the speaker considering the unique type of installation that is required. So, you will want to be sure to test out many different options before placing these speakers securely into the wall.

On that note, you might be able to place the in-wall speakers behind an acoustically transparent screen that will allow you to place the speakers exactly where you want- not having to worry about them sitting too high or too low on shelving units. Instead, you can place them exactly at the right height for optimal sound quality to be achieved.

Taking a look at bookshelf speakers, then, you can achieve high-quality sound in a small to medium-sized home theater, but you should consider another option in larger spaces.

Bookshelf speakers can be a great option for your home theater speakers, but they will need to be paired with a subwoofer to achieve the bass that your movies and music will require to have the robust sound you desire.

Still, you can spend a good amount on bookshelf speakers without going over budget and find that you are incredibly satisfied with the results. Plus, their installation is as inexpensive as moving them around the room yourself when testing out the sound, so this cost should not add up too much.

Finally, tower speakers are going to have the most robust sound quality of the three options comparatively due to their large size as well as the number of drivers that they use.

Because of this, tower speakers can produce high-quality sound in larger home theater rooms without the worry of the sound reaching all corners of the room.

The main concern here is that moving them around the room to find the perfect spot for them can be a bit cumbersome. But, the effort is well worth it once you find the perfect setup for your home theater room.

So, considering all of these categories (as well as your unique needs, budget, and personal preferences), hopefully, you will be well on your way to finding the perfect sound system setup for your unique space.

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