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Fotocamere DSLR con il miglior budget

C'è stato un tempo in cui le reflex digitali erano di gran moda. Infatti, il primo è uscito nel 1999.

Ma nonostante la nuova ondata di mirrorless rig in arrivo, ci sono ancora innumerevoli DSLR economiche migliori che sono molto importanti oggi.

Ma se questo è il tuo primo rodeo ad acquistare una fotocamera DSLR, è probabile che le scelte e i modelli gazillion là fuori ti mettano in confusione.

Solo per questo motivo, esaminare ciò che stai acquistando è molto importante.

Ma non preoccuparti. In questo articolo parleremo di tutto ciò che riguarda le reflex digitali e i modelli economici altamente consigliati.

Ma prima di entrare nei dettagli più importanti, vediamo cosa definisce esattamente le migliori fotocamere DSLR.

Aspetti da considerare quando si scelgono le migliori fotocamere DSLR economiche

Non tutti gli ingranaggi DSLR saranno gli stessi.

Alcuni sono buoni, altri cattivi e altri solo meh. Per scegliere la scelta giusta, considera i seguenti fattori:


Le DSLR sono fotocamere della vecchia scuola con riflettori a specchio che aggiungono un tono di peso alla loro struttura generale.

In quanto tali, è probabile che alcuni siano ingombranti e pesanti, aggiungendo un peso non necessario alla tua borsa da viaggio già completamente rifornita.

Durata della batteria

Anche questo varia da un modello all'altro.

Quindi, se scatti per ore prolungate, assicurati che l'attrezzatura che stai per prendere sia pronta per il lungo viaggio che ti aspetta.

Schermo LCD

È probabile che alcune delle fotocamere economiche, in particolare quelle pari o inferiori a $ 500, abbiano un LCD non touchscreen inamovibile.

Se scegli di spendere un po' di più, puoi ottenere schermi ad angolazione variabile che ti consentono di scattare selfie e scattare da diverse angolazioni.

Inoltre, uno schermo abilitato al tocco ti consente di pizzicare, ingrandire o rivedere il filmato durante le riprese.

Gamma ISO

La buona notizia è che molte fotocamere DSLR con un budget limitato avranno la giusta gamma ISO, che di solito è compresa tra 100 e 40000.

A seconda delle tue esigenze, puoi scegliere quelli con una capacità espandibile oltre 40000, che di solito non è consigliata poiché le immagini diventano sgranate.

Tuttavia, l'ISO corretto garantisce che la fotocamera funzioni bene in condizioni di luce variabili.

Qualità e dimensioni del sensore

Una risoluzione più alta è qualcosa che nessuno dovrebbe nascondere sotto il tavolo.

Per fortuna, molte fotocamere di fascia media hanno circa 20+ megapixel che registrano filmati ultra nitidi.

Per ottenere risultati ancora più succosi, scegli quelli con sensori di grandi dimensioni.

Tanti accessori

Gli ingranaggi DSLR sono intrinsecamente versatili.

Ma vale la pena verificare la presenza di funzionalità extra come trigger, flash, cavalcature e altre che offrono un'esperienza altamente personalizzabile.

Ci sono altri fattori importanti che non dovresti ignorare come la velocità della modalità di scatto continuo, i video time-lapse, la resistenza agli agenti atmosferici, la durata, le reti di connessione, il numero di punti di messa a fuoco automatica, ecc.

E ora torniamo al nostro tema principale...

Quali sono le migliori fotocamere DSLR economiche?

Ecco un paio di opzioni che troverai estremamente affidabili:

1. Fotocamera DSLR Nikon D3500

È desiderio di ogni fotografo catturare immagini di alta qualità con dettagli notevoli, precisione del colore e gamma dinamica.

La massima nitidezza dell'immagine non può essere enfatizzata abbastanza. Indovina un po', la fotocamera DSLR Nikon D3500 offre esattamente questo.

Scattando a 24,2 megapixel con processore Expeed 4, questa attrezzatura garantisce prestazioni eccezionali.

Ha la capacità di girare video Full HD e puoi modificarli internamente.

Abbastanza convenientemente, è dotato di SnapBridge Bluetooth che ti consentirà di condividere le immagini con altri dispositivi mobili.

La durata non dovrebbe preoccuparti perché la fotocamera DSLR Nikon D3500 è un rig di alta qualità che puoi portare ovunque.

Il suo design è impermeabile, resistente alla temperatura e ai raggi X con capacità di resistenza agli urti e alle vibrazioni.

Quindi, se lavori sempre in situazioni impegnative, questa è la fotocamera da avere.

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2. Canon EOS REBEL SL3 Digital SLR Camera

There are many reasons why Canon EOS REBEL SL3 Digital SLR Camera should be your go-to model.

First, it has a very powerful 24.1-megapixel image sensor that shoots stunning images and 4K time-lapse movies.

Unlike the Nikon D3500 DSLR Camera, this one comes with a vari-angle LCD touchscreen.

This lets you shoot selfies and explore fun shooting angles. The touchscreen can reduce the hassle of dealing with buttons.

Canon EOS REBEL SL3’s compact and lightweight design will be a blessing for those who move around a lot.

While it’s been targeted at beginners, its features are far advanced to suit pro-level photographers.

The gear comes paired with a high-quality lens kit.

If you find this camera to be a little expensive, you can pick its earlier version Canon SL2. They are almost the same only that the latter lack 4K recording.

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3. Canon EOS Rebel T8i

Canon EOS Rebel T8i is an upgraded version of Canon EOS SL3 for a discerning photographer.

You get a robust DIGIC 8 image processor that shoots magnificent stills and videos at 24.1 megapixels. It supports up to 4K quality.

While most models in this review come with old-school less than 7-point autofocus, this one stretches to 9 with AI enhancement.

On top of that, it boasts a 45-point cross-type phase-detection that locks on fast-moving objects resulting in ultra-clear shots.

The camera makes it easy to stream photos online.

Just use the EOS utility webcam for either mac or windows and you will turn this rig into a top-quality webcam that sends videos straight to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

So if you are a vlogger, this is the camera to go for.

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4. Panasonic LUMIX FZ300 Long Zoom Digital Camera

If you are really dying for a 4K camera without spending an insane amount of money, check out Panasonic LUMIX FZ300 Long Zoom Digital Camera.

It shoots both 4k videos and photos. In fact, you can extract photos from your 4k videos in case there is a moment you don’t want to lose.

This gear is compact, yet packs image stabilization and diffraction compensation.

Results? Crisp-clear images that portray subjects in their faithful nature.

Its 24x full zoom range will perform to your expectations in low-light situations.

Quality-wise, Panasonic LUMIX FZ300 is rugged to comfortably handle the rigors that come with outdoor photography.

Plus, it is both splash and dustproof thanks to the seals covering every joint.

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5. Pentax K-70 Weather-Sealed DSLR Camera

Do not let the big names in this review dissuade you from checking out models like Pentax K-70 Weather-Sealed DSLR Camera.

On most platforms, including Amazon, this camera is mostly 5-star rated with barely any complaints.

This is the gear you need if you always find yourself working in bad weather.

Inside its weather-sealed body, it packs a well-endowed 24.24 megapixel filterless CMOS sensor for capturing memorable footage.

The LCD screen tilts and flips allowing you to take selfies and as well as attempt shooting at different angles.

For around $500, Pentax K-70 Weather-Sealed DSLR Camera is equipped to reduce camera shakes and still works exceptionally well at night.

Even better, its body is compact for all-day shooting.

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6. Canon EOS 80D Digital SLR Camera 

If you are a serial YouTuber or a logger and would like a camera that you can easily turn into a webcam, try Canon EOS 80D Digital SLR Camera.

You only need EOS utility webcam beta software and it will work on both Windows and Mac.

But you are possibly wondering, how good is it?

Well, like most others, it comes with a 24.2 megapixel CMOS sensor whose resolution is powerful enough to deliver extremely detailed media.

On top of that, it has an intelligent viewfinder that displays both AF mode and AF points and grids of other info that you can choose to display or hide.

With a 45-point cross-type AF system, Canon EOS 80D Digital SLR is one of the best budget DSLR cameras you can confidently rely on for high-speed, precise shooting even in dim lighting.

Furthermore, this is a low-luminance gear. This means it is compatible with many EF lenses which can stretch the AF system to a max of 27 points.

As a result, photographers will never miss anything.

With such extreme versatility, you can understand why vloggers and YouTubers will love this camera.

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7. Nikon D500 DX-Format Digital SLR

Nikon D500 DX-Format Digital SLR is an unrivaled powerhouse that is equipped with class-leading technology.

Do not let its unimposing compact design fool you.

If you pop the hood open, you meet a very dedicated 20.9-megapixel DX sensor that captures the life beauty in its full color and structure—whether that is an African safari or the lush exterior.

With this marvelous project of Nikon’s dedicated efforts, you cannot miss life’s fleeting moments.

Come mai? It comes with an Expeed 5 processor that runs at 10fps so every memory is recorded.

And while all the other cameras in this review have reliable autofocus systems, the one for this camera is absolutely mind-bending.

A whopping 153AF points with 99 cross-type points. So basically, you can capture images that exactly match your vision.

Nikon D500 DX-Format Digital SLR is an owl that dominates the night.

It boasts an amazing 100-51,200 ISO range that can be stretched all the way to 1640000.

So yes, you will see your subjects in their full glamor. And once your data is ready for transfer, you can leverage Wi-Fi, NFC, or Bluetooth.

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8. Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera with 18-55mm Lens

The Canon Rebel line has been one of the most reliable gears for YouTubers and other loggers. They are also great for general use.

Another version that is relatively cheap is the Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera.

The camera delivers very good quality images both at home and when you are traveling. Even at greater ISO, you can rest assured the images won’t be grainy.

It also holds itself pretty well when shooting fast-moving objects. But you must play nice with the shutter speed; otherwise, you can get blurry images.

Canon EOS Rebel T7 feels comfortable and it’s got both Wi-Fi and NFC for data transfer.

If you link it to Canon’s EOS webcam utility, you can easily turn it into a webcam that is compatible with both Mac and Windows.

It’s really one of the cheapest logging cameras you’ll get in mint condition.

Unfortunately, it might not be ideal for high-end video production because it lacks 4K support and has limited frame rate options.

If you wish for better results, we’d recommend you check out its next sibling- Canon EOS Rebel T7i.

At a slightly higher cost, 7Ti gives you a better autofocus system, vari-angle touchscreen monitor, microphone port, faster burst shooting, and expanded ISO (not that important as photos become grainy).

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9. Nikon D5600 DX-Format Digital SLR w/AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm

Ever since it came out in 2017, Nikon D5600 DX-Format Digital SLR has been a reliable companion to many photographers.

It’s an ideal choice for anyone looking for a large vari-angle touch screen monitor, richly detailed images, and a generous AF system.

The SnapBridge technology is also a huge selling point of this camera. It lets you use your smartphone to remotely shoot photos from a distance.

The photos can be instantly stored on a smartphone or tablet for quick sharing.

Nikon D5600 DX-Format Digital SLR comes with enough external controls so you don’t have to puzzle around with the menu system.

In fact, there’s an “I” quick feature that when you press, brings forth all the important settings like ISO and image quality.

The lens comes with is very sharp and useful in many scenarios.

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10. Nikon D5300 24.2 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm NIKKOR Zoom Lens

Like its brother, Nikon D5600 above, Nikon D5300 is also armed with a powerful 24mp DX-format CMOS sensor that guarantees exquisite shots.

It has a 39-point AF system that lets photographers select their point of interest in each and every photo.

The ISO is good. At 100-12800, you don’t need to worry about grainy faults in your photos.

Plus, you will rest easy when the night falls knowing the camera will still deliver to your expectations.

Since this is a less pricey rig, it only shoots in 1080p and 720p.

The final footage, however, comes in friendly MPEG-4/H.264. The three most important features it doesn’t sacrifice include vari-angle screen, Wi-Fi, and GPS.

Note that the camera allows the production of raw footage for those who like to do post-editing production.

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11. Canon Rebel T6 (EOS 1300D)

Canon Rebel T6 is a truly unique case. You see, a brand new one goes for over $450- the same price as a newer Canon T7 model.

Yet, the latter has a 24-megapixel sensor and the T6 has a dismal 18MP.

So anyone who goes T6 is probably confused by a long line of Canon’s EOS models. The good thing is, you can rarely find a new one.

Many of those existing in the market are either used or refurbished.

Now, if you can get a refurbished or used Canon Rebel T6, then that would be a solid deal as many go for lower than $300.

Considering it captures stellar pictures, has built-in connectivity, better ISO, and pretty much everything in T7, it is worth going for a second-hand choice.

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12. Pentax KP 24.32 Ultra-Compact Weatherproof DSLR

Pentax has a really good line of dependable DSLR rigs.

Besides the K-70, there is also Pentax KP 24.32 Ultra-Compact DSLR. It already has a powerful 24-megapixel sensor that should put your image quality worries at rest.

Perhaps the winning point of this gear is its ability to offer high-end control.

It bears 3 separate dials that you can use to adjust the camera’s settings. This is a feature you get in top dogs that cost upwards of $2000.

The only depressing aspect about Pentax KP 24.32 Ultra-Compact DSLR is all about value.

It costs twice as much as some of the best deals in this review like Canon 77D, and Canon T7i.

Bear in mind that even its own sibling, Pentax K70 has almost the same core features.

Nevertheless, if you can meet the budget, Pentax KP’s stellar build quality and amazing control can provide an immersive shooting experience.

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13. Nikon D7500 DX-Format Digital SLR Body

Pro photographers hate to cut corners with their work. This is because a majority of them get pleasure from their work.

But sometimes budget constraints get in the way—and that’s life.

But guess what; for less than $1000, the Nikon D7500 DX-Format Digital SLR camera provides class-leading performance.

It’s one of the best budget DSLR cameras with 4K capability, exceptional image processing, and metering that hinges close to Nikon’s award-winning D500.

Every photographer relishes some control over their rigs.

With a 51-point AF system that includes 15 cross-type sensors, this camera lets you pick the exact points you want to shoot.

That’s extremely marvelous if you would ask us.

Nikon D7500 DX-Format Digital SLR goes over and above to offer time-lapse videos with stereo sound.

Furthermore, you can shoot footage in autofocus mode-but you must know what you are doing to get the best results.

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14. Pentax K-1 Mark II Full Frame DSLR Camera

Here is another professional-grade advanced camera on a budget- Pentax K-1 Mark II Full Frame DSLR Camera.

If you are a beginner on a really tight budget, this camera might not be ideal for you.

It’s for expert photographers, who, for some reason, cannot spend much on high-end gear but are also careful not to penny-pinch.

Hear this; this is the only camera in this review with an insanely empowered 36mp image sensor.

The pictures it delivers are magnificently detailed with subtle shades, mind-bending bokeh, and next-level depth.

As you can guess, each shot comes out reflecting the true nature of your subjects.

Pentax K-1 Mark II is one of Pentax’s flagship models.

As such, you get awesome features like reduced noise, increased image sharpness, and faster focusing at a fairly cheap price.

The interior components are encased in a magnesium alloy body making the camera bold enough to brace tough weather and rough handling.

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15. Canon EOS 90D

Hello to all professional vloggers, bloggers and travelers. May we draw your attention for a second to this illustrious camera; Canon EOS 90D.

Do you know how a cup of coffee, espresso, or beer feels on a chilly evening?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t take any of those but here is the thing; Canon EOS 90D is sensationally glorious.

This is a versatile gear that knows no bounds.

Whether you want to shoot eagles in the sky, wildlife, a crowd of folks at a Disney event, or anything; this gear is Eveready.

With an unreliably stunning 32 megapixels, this rig has helped photographers produce high-resolution images in their life-like forms.

What’s better, you can crop the images without losing quality.

The dual-pixel CMOS sensor takes this camera to a whole new level of sophistication.

It is swift, and accurate, and can even lock on your subject’s eye, resulting in expressively detailed portraits and movies.

So before you ask, yes, this is a point-and-shoot gear that will come in handy in fast-paced instances like sports and wildlife.

As you already know, the costlier the camera, the more autofocus points it comes with.

Guess how many Canon EOS 90D has? Will help you out-5481 manually selectable AF points.

That’s a heck lot and offers photographers the thrill to shoot any specific area they feel like. So even if your subject hinges to the corners, you’ll still snap it.

Now, if you take a gear like Nikon D3300, it cost around $500 and has a measly 11 AF points. It’s pretty much limiting.

There is quite a lot to say about this camera from its multi-controller customization to convenient connectivity.

To cut this long story short, if you go for Canon EOS 90D, expect nothing short of perfection.

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16. Canon EOS 6D Mark II

A product full of five-star reviews is usually a hallmark of universal satisfaction, don’t you agree?

If you are an enthusiast or pro photographer, you normally don’t want to spend a lot and end up with a displeasing experience.

One of the best budget DSLR cameras with a lot of 5-star reviews is Canon EOS 6D Mark II.

You can never go wrong with this gear. It has everything you could ever wish for-super sensor, a great ISO range, and convenient connectivity options.

The Dual-pixel CMOS sensor guarantees fast and precise phase-detection-even in lie view.

It too has a generous AF point that lets photographers pick any section they wish to capture.

Canon EOS 6D Mark II is a professional-grade gear worth looking into—especially if you are a night owl.

The only issue is that some of the lenses it supports tend to be pricey. Nevertheless, it is an exceptional powerhouse as the EOS 90D above.

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17. Pentax K-3 Mark III Flagship APS-C Camera

If you are a fan of Pentax models, another of their flagship rigs for seasoned photographers is Pentax K-3 Mark III Flagship APS-C Camera.

It packs the most recent technology like shake reduction, noise filtering, wide viewing angle, and top ISO sensitivity.

Working at 12 frames per second, this camera is ideal for sports, wildlife, and other fast-paced events.

Nevertheless, it is still versatile enough to accompany you on other day-to-day photography occasions.

But maybe you are wondering, why the slight difference in price between K-1 and K-3?

Well K-3 has pretty much the same features as K-1 apart from the additional 1.05x image magnification and a lower, 25MP.

K-1 has 36MP which makes its footage far more detailed. All in all, you won’t go wrong with either.

 Main features



Frequently Asked Questions

How does a digital single-lens reflex camera work?

The process begins with light entering the camera through the lens.

When the shutter is released, the light hits a reflex mirror which further transmits it to the image sensor and the image gets captured.

What’s the difference between DSLR and mirrorless cameras?

DSLR cameras are not that different from mirrorless models. The only difference is that the latter lacks a mirror.

So light hits directly the image sensor. As for DSLR, light has to hit the mirror and then get directed to the image sensor.

How much do the best budget DSLR cameras cost?

On average, you may spend around $700 for a budget DSLR camera.

However, less sophisticated systems and renewed models are way cheaper, usually below $500.

Fairly advanced mid-budget cameras can stretch to $1000 or a bit more.

What are the disadvantages of DSLR cameras?

The biggest disadvantage of DSLR cameras is that the existence of the mirror means what you are seeing on the viewfinder may differ a little from what will be exposed on the image sensor.

However such discrepancies can be fixed during editing.

Which is better, mirrorless, or DSLR?

DSLR rigs may be considered old school but they are extremely durable, versatile (due to interchangeable lens), go easy on the battery, and are cheaper.

The problem comes in when focusing during video shooting; many are a tad heavy too.

Mirrorless, on the hand, are compact, lighter, and very good at shooting videos. But they are costlier.

So it’s up to the user’s preference and budget.

Which is the best DSLR camera for home use?

You don’t need fancy gear for home and leisure street photography. As such, any model below $500 will do just fine.

Excellent examples include Canon EOS 80D, Canon PowerShot SX430 is, Kodak PIXPRO Astro Zoom AZ252-WH, and Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H300 20.1 MP Digital Camera.

Should you buy a DSLR as a bundle?

The problem with being a beginner is that you are pretty much at the mercy of circumstances.

You can buy a camera alone and end up buying incompatible lenses or accessories.

The beauty of purchasing a bundle is that the camera comes with the right lenses and accessories letting you jump straight into the action.

There’s just one problem; some of those items are overpriced.

Pensieri finali

There are many advantages to having the best budget DSLR cameras.

Obviously, the first one has to do with cost. You don’t get to dent your bank account for a professional standard rig.

Secondly, their ability to accommodate different lenses allows photographers a versatile experience. Not to forget, their durability is outstanding.

However, the right DSLR for you will depend on the subject you intend to shoot and the existing situation.

But armed with the information in this article and the reviews recommended, it becomes easier to pick the right camera!

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  2. Elenco delle fotocamere DSLR
  3. Nikon Vs. Sony DSLR
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  5. Nikon Vs. Sony DSLR
  6. I migliori treppiedi per DSLR