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Comfort per animali domestici e aria condizionata per cani e gatti:risposte alle tue principali domande

Il modo migliore per inondare di amore il tuo animale domestico è tenerlo a suo agio e felice. Mentre un animale domestico felice porta grande gioia, il compito di offrire il massimo comfort all'animale può essere piuttosto impegnativo a volte, specialmente durante le estati torride o i freddi mesi invernali.

Proprio come gli esseri umani, la temperatura ha un effetto significativo sugli animali e quando le condizioni meteorologiche diventano estreme, il comfort del tuo animale domestico dovrebbe essere la tua massima priorità. Come regola generale, se la temperatura è troppo calda o troppo fredda per te, allora deve essere grave anche per i tuoi animali domestici. Temperature estremamente calde combinate con l'umidità possono causare disidratazione mentre temperature inferiori a 32 gradi Fahrenheit possono causare congelamento o ipotermia.

Cani e gatti potrebbero aver bisogno di aria condizionata durante l'estate così come devono essere tenuti al caldo durante l'inverno. Potresti essere preoccupato di come i condizionatori d'aria possono influenzare il tuo gatto o cane. Inoltre, i tuoi condizionatori d'aria possono essere influenzati anche dal tuo animale domestico.

Continua a leggere mentre affrontiamo le principali domande che potresti dover affrontare quando fai fatica a fornire la temperatura ideale per il tuo gatto o cane. Le sezioni principali seguenti sono:

Fattori che influenzano le temperature confortevoli per cani e gatti

Non esiste una soluzione adatta a tutte le taglie o una temperatura ideale che assicuri il comfort di ogni animale domestico. Ciò dipenderebbe molto dal tipo di animale domestico e dalle sue caratteristiche uniche. Di seguito sono riportati i fattori che possono essere presi in considerazione per determinare quale temperatura sarebbe la migliore per il tuo gatto o cane:

Taglia dell'animale domestico

Gli animali di piccola taglia non possono trattenere il calore nel loro corpo a causa di un maggiore rapporto tra superficie e volume. Gli animali di grossa taglia, invece, possono trattenere facilmente il calore. Tenendo presente questo fattore, se il tuo cane è di taglia più piccola, sai che può raffreddarsi rapidamente rispetto alle razze più grandi!

Tipo di mantello e spessore

Gatti e cani con pelo spesso e lungo sono più tolleranti al freddo rispetto agli animali domestici con pelo sottile. Gli animali con pelo spesso preferiscono temperature più fredde poiché trattengono più calore all'interno del loro corpo:immagina di indossare sempre un cappotto! Al contrario, gli animali con un pelo sottile non possono trattenere il calore nel loro corpo e preferiscono temperature più calde. Richiedono chiaramente un'attenzione speciale durante l'inverno. Inoltre, nel caso in cui il calore sia elevato e diretto, la mancanza di pelo potrebbe renderli più suscettibili alle scottature.

Peso dell'animale domestico

Il grasso corporeo contribuisce molto alla sensibilità alla temperatura in quanto funge da strato isolante per gli animali domestici. Gli animali in sovrappeso hanno uno spesso strato isolante che li protegge dal freddo. D'altra parte, gli animali sottopeso sono generalmente più deboli e più inclini a condizioni meteorologiche estreme.

Fattori di salute

Gli animali che soffrono di condizioni mediche possono avere un sistema immunitario indebolito ed essere più suscettibili alle temperature più fredde. Mantenerli caldi e accoglienti può garantire comfort.

Età del tuo gatto o cane

Man mano che i tuoi animali domestici invecchiano, la loro capacità di regolare la propria temperatura diminuisce. Se hai un animale domestico più anziano, c'è la possibilità che richieda temperature più calde rispetto agli animali giovani e attivi. But be careful with puppies and kittens, very young pets are alsosensitive to the cold and it is necessary to keep them warm.

Choosing the Best Home Temperature for Your Cat or Dog

Maintaining the ideal temperature for pets can be a difficult job and might require some effort. You can maintain that ideal temperature using a smart AC controller as it allows you to set temperature triggers and even lets you change the temperature range, wherever you are.

Here’s how to DIY a smart air conditioner!

Winter Temperature Guide for Dogs

Generally, cold temperatureis not an issue for healthy dogs until it drops below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.This is the point where it gets too cold for dogs and they start to feeluncomfortable. If you notice that your dog is lethargic, whiny, anxious orshivery then he is probably affected by the cold. Temperatures below 20 degreesare dangerous and can put your pet at risk of hypothermia.

The best temperature to set your home thermostat to during winter is between 68-72 degrees for a happy and thriving dog. Using smart AC controllers if you have a ductless system, or smart thermostats, you can maintain the ideal temperature for your pet’s comfort.

Winter Temperature Guide for Cats

What temperature do cats like? If your cat has a thickcoat and stays indoors, then you don’t have to worry about the temperature inwinters. There is nothing cuter than a cat curled up on soft bedding andpurring soundly. Indoor cats find one way or another to make themselvescomfortable. However, if your cat is rolled up too often and is restrictingmovement, she is probably very cold. House temperatures between 60-68 degreesFahrenheit work well for cats but if they are still rolled up try 70!

Smalls cats prefer a warmer environment and anything between 78 to80 degrees might provide them just the comfort they need! It’s always importantto observe your cat’s behavior and comfort level and adjust the temperaturethereon!

Be careful with thyroid conditions in cats. It can make them lesstolerant to heat, and you will need to alter your temperature accordingly.

Summer Temperature Guide for Dogs

The optimum temperature for dogs highly depends on humidity levels as dogs do not only stay indoors but venture outdoors as well. Allow your dog to play outdoors making sure that he is safe with access to cold water and shade. When your dog stays indoors, make sure to set the temperature according to your pet’s comfort. The temperature range greatly depends on the size and coat of hair but the suggested temperature for dogs is between 75 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Moreover, humidity can also have a great effect on the comfort ofa dog. High humidity coupled with high temperature can be very exhausting foryour dog, as compared to the same temperature with low humidity. Watch out for symptoms of dehydrationand heatstroke such as panting, disorientation, drooling, and unconsciousnessetc. Monitor your home’s humidity levels and keep them in control!

Summer Temperature Guide for Cats

Cats are good at keeping themselves warm but not cool. If you have a long-haired, big-sized or overweight cat then you can maintain the temperature around 80 degrees or below if the temperature at home gets too hot. On the contrary to it, if your cat is small with a thin coat, you may keep the temperature between 85-90 while leaving your fan or window open. Keep in mind, that kittens can handle high temperatures much better than an adult cat.

Observe the behavior of your cat and set the temperatureaccordingly. Signs indicating the discomfort of your cat during hot weather aretremors, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and excessive drooling, etc.

Can Air Conditioners Make Your Cat or Dog Sick?

Unfortunately, there is no magic number for an AC setting that will provide the ideal temperature for your cat or dog. If your air conditioning settings are too cold for your pet than yes, it can make them sick. On the other hand, if the weather is extremely hot and you do not turn the air conditioner on then that can also make your pet sick.

Air conditioners can only make your pet sick if you don’t use the perfect settings, otherwise, they are perfectly safe and very useful for cats and dogs!

There are no risks involved if you leave your pets at homewith the air conditioner activated. You can ensure the comfort of your pets withthe latest technology in town i.e. smart thermostats or smart AC controllers. Smarttemperature devices allow you to control the temperature of your home fromanywhere and easily be able to monitor it. This would help you regulate thetemperature at home for your pets while you are away.

Should You Leave the AC on for Your Cat or Dog?

Air conditioning costs play a huge effect on your bills and leaving your unit on even when you’re not home can be a tough decision. Unfortunately, at times it is necessary to keep track of and control indoor temperatures for your beloved pet. Imagine if your cat or dog is locked alone at home and it suddenly becomes unbearably hot, they can greatly suffer.

The best way to keep your pet comfortable while keeping yourenergy costs in check is to set a comfortable temperature range, ideally 78-80degrees. Smart thermostats for ductedsystems or smart AC controllers for mini-splits, portable and window unitscan help maintain the indoor temperature. Moreover, they also help you savecosts. Smart thermostats or controllers are highly advised in this scenario asyou can easily monitor and control your home temperature for your pet no matterwhere you are.

High temperature is not an issue for animals but high temperature coupled with humidity is. If the temperature outdoors is high, make sure to maintain the optimum temperature for your pets indoors. It is wise to leave the AC on for your pets to avoid potential issues concerning health the pets.

HVAC Tips for Pet Owners

Pets are amazing playmatesand offer several other benefits but there are drawbacks, especiallyconcerning your heating and cooling system at home. While taking care of yourpet comfort, make sure to keep a check on your HVAC system because pets releasefur or dander which can get sucked into the vents of cooling and heatingsystems.

If you own a furry pet timely AC tune-ups and consideration of a few factors can keep your HVAC unit in excellent condition:

Keepyour Home Clean

Living with pets at home means living with fur anddirt as well. This is not favorable for your HVAC system as they can becomeclogged and contaminated with debris. Keep your HVAC system free of dander andpet hair by regularly dusting and vacuuming your home. Keeping your home clearof allergens, pet hair and dander will help your HVAC system from beingoverloaded.

Regularly Change the AC Filter

You should be changing your AC filter at least four times every year or even morefrequently if you own a pet. You will find your filter matted with pet hair inaddition to other particles like dander or skin cells. Changing the filter willhelp improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. This is because when thesystem is clogged, the HVAC system needs to work harder to maintain theairflow.

While choosing the filter, pay attention to the quality of the filter. A high-quality filter will remove the debris and this helps with pet hair and dander. Furthermore, you can improve the indoor air quality with HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters.

Keep your AC Vents Clean

Along with the air filters, it isnecessary to clean your air vents. Clean the vents as often as you change theair filters. Cleaning the vents can also help you to improve the efficiency ofyour HVAC system and will help you to maintain the desired temperature for yourpets!

Groom your Pet Regularly

When your pet is clean and its fur is trimmed, your home and indoorair stays cleaner. Less shedding translates to less fur in the filter andducts.

Pet hair can clog air filters of your HVAC system. Regulargrooming of the pet prevents the filters of the HVAC system from being clogged.Regular brushing for pets with thick undercoat also helps air filters frombeing clogged.

Use an Air Purifier

Air quality can be drasticallyimproved by using an air purifier. You can get rid of unwanted pet hair andother lurking allergens. Air purifiers cleanse the air effectively by capturingunwanted airborne particles. Smart air purifiers constantly track air quality, monitor trends and canbe very efficient in smartly ridding your home from any wandering pet hair.

Protect your Outdoor AC Unit

Use a fence or any barrier to keepyour pets away from the outdoor AC unit. It is really important to have abarrier around the unit because usually cats can claw at the fins or dogs canchew on the cables. Your pet’s urine can also destroy the unit as acids in theurine are corrosive. They can damage an air conditioner’s coil and fins.

Moreover, there is a danger to your pets also. If pets come in direct contact with the wires of your AC unit, they can harm themselves. In extreme cases it can also be fatal. Making sure that your HVAC system is working efficiently while keeping your pet’s comfort in consideration is important! Yes, pets can affect your air conditioning but maintaining your HVAC system in perfect condition ensures that your pet can live in comfort. The above-mentioned tips and suggestions will surely be of great help in ensuring that your pet gets the treatment it deserves, while also keeping your HVAC system in top shape.

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